Timmins Native Non-Profit Housing Corporation

Our office will remain on reduced hours and only be open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm.
For everyone's safety, upon entering the office we ask that you immediately sanitize your hands with the hand sanitizer provided. IF YOU ARE SICK, PLEASE STAY HOME. We will do our best to accommodate any need of having to come into the office in that situation. Thank you sincerely for your cooperation
Timmins Native NP Housing Corp. is funded by the Government of Canada through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).
Approximately 65% of our revenue is subsized and 35% in rental income. All 36 units owned by Timmins Native NP Housing Corp.
Timmins Native NP Housing Corp. has an operating agreement with CMHC which defines the housing roles, responsibilities and rules under which the housing is expected to operate.
The services of Timmins Native NP Housing Corp are to provide good quality, affordable housing to families of Native Ancestry in Timmins.
Timmins Native NP Housing Corp. is overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors and managed by two staff - Operations Coordinator and Administrative Clerk.
Timmins Native NP Housing Corp. currently manages 36 housing units made up of two, three and four bedroom units. There are 20 individual and semi-detached units spread all over Timmins and 16 row housing units located on Mountjoy Street North.
Connect with Us
Welcome to Timmins Native NP Housing Corporation. We're happy that you've chosen to make us your home!